Franklin County Justice Center
2019 Accessible Design Awards
Honor Award – William D. Smith Memorial Award
Project name: Franklin County Justice Center
Project location: Greenfield, MA
Firm name: Leers Weinzapfel Associates
Jury comments: This addition and renovation of a 1930s courthouse makes accessibility look easy. The main entrance, incorporated into the new addition, is now universally accessible. Courtroom ramps provide access to all functional areas—witness stand, judge’s perch, jury boxes, viewer’s gallery. This terrific design means no excuses for clunky, tortured accessibility upgrades to government buildings.
Client: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Division of Capital Asset Management & Maintenance
Consultants: Atelier Ten; Briggs Engineering & Testing; Campbell McCabe; Cavanaugh Tocci; CDW Consultants; Cosentini Associates; Faithful + Gould; Gale Associates; Green International Affiliates; GZA GeoEnvironmental; Kalin Associates; Preservation Technology Associates; Richard Burck Associates; RSE Associates; Syska Hennessy Group; The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
Photography: Brad Feinknopf