2018 Hospitality Design Awards


principal, Gensler

Silvia Illia-Sheldahl
principal, BOS|UA

Sindu Meier AIA
senior associate, William Rawn Associates, Architects

Jury Overview

The inaugural year for the Hospitality Design Awards program attracted a small but promising pool of submissions. Mindful that its choices may set precedents for future deliberations, the jury elected to elevate work that demonstrated consistency over flashy moves and one-liners, presented a well-developed atmosphere, and clearly used design to provide superior user experience.

As a category, “hospitality” is broad, and may mean any sort of space that welcomes guests to gather, connect, drink, or dine. Whether hotel, wine bar, tap room, or café, the jury found design excellence in generously crafted and imaginative projects that delivered a smart, particular, and consistent message. Perhaps in the shadow of “meds” and “eds,” Boston is not currently renowned as a leader in hospitality design. The jury hopes the high standards represented in these eight recognized projects will inspire future architects working on this project typology throughout Greater Boston.