2015 Unbuilt Design


Peter Lofgren AIA (jury chair)
Elkus Manfredi Architects

Mette Aamodt AIA
Aamodt/Plumb Architects

Kyle Barker Assoc. AIA
MASS Design Group

Yasmin Vobis
Ultramoderne and Rhode Island School of Design

Jury Overview

The jury reviewed 40 entries this year and settled on designating five of them worthy of receiving an award.  Typical to the Unbuilt Architecture and Design awards program, there were a great variety of submittals and this year four of the five awards are given to projects that are responses to competition programs. Of these four, the 1892 Tower in Chicago distinguished itself as a more theoretical design investigation while the other three are competitions for cultural institutions. The fifth project, the Orange County Government Center, appears to be a real commission that is yet to be realized. The Renwick Gallery Salon Design was the only project being given an award that had a rigorous sustainable agenda.