Tozzer Anthropology Building
2015 Honor Awards for Design Excellence
Honor Award
Project name: Tozzer Anthropology Building
Project location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Firm name: Kennedy & Violich Architecture
Jury comments:
Very sophisticated in its exploration of material, this building transforms an existing library into a multi-use building which houses faculty and graduate student offices, a library, classroom and seminar spaces, and provides accessibility to an adjacent museum complex. The level of complexity and use of masonry is impressive and its relationship to its more traditional neighbors shows a great sense of balance even though it is extremely modern and forward thinking. The color palette is soft and effortless. Especially admirable is the way that light sculpts the interior and plays on the exterior skin. Attention to craft and detail is exceptional and surprising. This is the work of an architect who understands the contextual role of a building and knows how to carry on an historical architectural fabric without mimicry. The interior light is gorgeous and the fully realized roof feels like a fifth elevation. All is lovely, simple, elegant.
Client: Harvard University