The Snyder Center
2019 Honor Awards for Design Excellence
Project name: The Snyder Center
Project location: Andover, MA
Firm name: Perkins and Will
Jury comments: This good athletics center is executed in a high modern style. The graphics are strong and sophisticated. Clean lines and a restrained palette of materials and colors make for mature and clear spaces, when they easily could have been overdone. Inspired users may run faster and work out harder here.
Client: Phillips Academy Andover
Consultants: Erland; Acentech; Activitas; Colburn & Guyette; Cx Resources; Haley & Aldrich; Horton Lees Brogden Lighting; Howe Engineers; LeMessurier; Omloop Design; Reed Hilderbrand; Rider Levett Bucknall; Rist-Frost-Shumway Engineers; Samiotes Consultants
Photography: Chuck Choi