Temple Beth Elohim
Harleston Parker Medal Finalist
Project name:
Temple Beth Elohim
Project location:
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Firm name:
William Rawn Associates, Architects
Jury comments:
The Temple has twice been a finalist for the Medal. Rarely does a building so elegantly convey such a strong sense of representation and service to its community of users. Its spaces are warm and inviting, and connected to a natural world outdoors with light and views. Its concept is easily absorbed at every step of procession through zones and spaces. The entry sequence–gateway, courtyard, entry, sanctuary—is breathtaking. Jurors discussed how moving between the sanctuary to spaces beyond–to the class and community room wing, to the landscapes beyond the building/courtyard core—created a sense that we were entering a different building, reducing the sense of a cohesive whole.
Temple Beth Elohim
Consultants: Richard White Sons, Dietz and Associates, LeMessurier Consultants, Cosentini Associates, Stantec, McPhail Associates, Horton Lees Brogden Lighting Design, Kirkegaard Associates, Acentech, Judy Cannon, John Weigel, Peter Diepenbrock