Collier Memorial
2020 Harleston Parker Medal
Project name: Collier Memorial
Project location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Firm name: Höweler + Yoon Architecture
Jury comments: The Collier Memorial is a magnificent achievement of engineering and a beautiful expression of shared grief and remembrance. It molds rigid stone into an organic artifact. The figurative boulder carved out of the center creates space for people to dwell and engage while embraced by the memorial. It is a poetic place where architecture and engineering meet, each of its massive stones adding to a hopeful story. The Collier is at once a gateway to the busyness of the MIT campus and a moment of calm on a central urban site.
Client: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Images: Iwan Baan; John Horner
Consultants: AHA Consulting Engineers; Francesca Bolognini; Feldman Land Surveyors; G&C Concrete Construction; Gaston Electrical Co.; Marianna Gonzalez; Hanover Pavers; Hayward Baker; Horton Lees Brogden Lighting Design; James W. Flett Co.; Corentin Fivet; Anna Kaertner; Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering; Liberty Construction; Cecile Lu; McPhail Associates; MIT Construction Management Team; Nitsch Engineering; Ochsendorf DeJong and Block Consulting Engineers; Phoenix Bay State Construction Company; William Plunkett; Quarra Stone Company; Richard Burck Associates; RSE Associates; Sean Collier Permanent Memorial Committee; Suffolk Construction; Valleycrest Landscape Development; Virginia Mist Group; Euipoom Estelle Yoon