Lowell Justice Center
2021 Accessible Design Awards
Project name: Lowell Justice Center
Project overview: The first LEED Platinum certified state courthouse in the country, the Lowell Justice Center is modern in vision and rooted in the rich history of Lowell, Massachusetts. The 7-story, 265,000-square-foot building contains 17 courtrooms across 5 court divisions and is universally accessible with all points accessible via the same path.
Project location: Lowell, Massachusetts
Firm name: Finegold Alexander Architects
Project type: State Courthouse
Project information: New construction
Jury comments: This project was executed with clear attention to physical and sensory comfort amid the general stress experienced at a courthouse. Daylighting is provided throughout the building, even in the most stress-inducing areas, such as the courtrooms and waiting rooms. The building is based on local realities, from the material selection to the public transportation hubs to the cultural gestures made in the welcoming mural. A clear effort was made for inclusivity in a respectful way, giving the impression that it is every visitor’s civil right as a citizen to use the spaces within. The jury was impressed to see the LEED Platinum certification.
BSA Impact: Equity | Environment | Advancing Architecture
Client: Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM)
Images/Photographer(s): Anton Grassl
Consultants: ART Engineering; ARUP; Cavanaugh Tocci; Coco Raynes Associates; Copley Wolff Design Group; Dimeo Construction; Faithful and Gould Associates; Kalin Associates; Kessler McGuiness & Associates; Martin Donlin; McPhail Associates, LLC; Nitsch Engineering; Norton Remmer; NV5; RSE Associates, Inc.; Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc.; Sladen Feinstein Integrated Lighting; Stefura Associates; Syska Hennessey; The Green Engineer; Vaughn Woodwork Consultant
AIA Framework for Design Excellence: Integration | Equitable Communities | Ecosystems |Water | Economy | Energy | Well-being | Resources | Change | Discovery