Codman Academy Charter Public School, Lithgow Building Renovation
2016 Accessible Design
Citation: Public Architecture
Project name: Codman Academy Charter Public School, Lithgow Building Renovation
Project location: Boston
Firm name: MDS/Miller Dyer Spears
Jury comments: Physical accessibility is not well-handled here, but in this adaptive reuse project, the focus is on cognitive accessibility, particularly for children who have experienced trauma or are on the autism spectrum. The use of bland elements and colors schemes well-suits this student population, who probably really appreciate the space without realizing that it is designed to be unique to their needs. Attention to air quality, ample natural light, and effort to keep both mechanical and reverberation noises to a minimum benefit all students.
Client: Codman Academy Realty Group
Consultants: Shawmut Designs & Construction, VVA Sweett, Souza. True & Partners, Garcia, Galuska & DeSousa, Nitsch Engineering, Acentech, RW Sullivan Engineering, AM Fogarty & Associates, RealFood Consulting, Kalin Associates, McPhail Associates, RE Cameron & Assocaites, Geosyntec Consultants